
Showing posts from 2008

The story of today

Yes, yes. What is there to say but yes. I will be happy and joyful. I am deliberate about both statements as this specific moment. I have joy in my eternal understanding of the amazing and incoprehesible grace bestowed upon me and what that truly means yesterday, today and tomorrow. As I can only live today. The present is where I will be. Ironically I will always be there so why have this foolish idea that at some other point I should have these things accrue to me. If I lived this way, how would I ever know when it was the future when I was supposed to have these things. Further, should I follow the logic that how do I know that I was supposed to be happy and joyful yesterday.  No, we can learn from yesterday so that we can understand where I (we, in the collective sense) have beenn which invariably shapes how we process today. Remembering is essential for growth and for prevention of self agrandizement when taken in the proper context but not shame or guilt. We have bee absolved in ...

hat is my motivation

We are going through some difficult times in a relative sense. For many of us in the States this is the first recession (outside of the eight months of 01, which was due in part to the 911 attacks) and there is more panic, worry and disillusionment than I have ever seen. I am praying for the appropriate responces in this time. I don't want to dismiss others feelings because that would not be truth in love. On the other hand, we in the states in 2008 are so very blessed from a material standpoint that I want a call for perspective. But even that means little to me. I really want people to experience Christ. Can we all truly pick up our crosses and carry those who need to be carried. How do we begin this process with the perfect dignity that Christ requires. So back the topic. A good friend asked me what was his motivation at work when the outlook for the company is blurry and noones job is certain. I simply said Christ. That is who I work for yesterday, today and forever. Is that tr...

A Short Word of Thanks

I am truly grateful for this this that was created by God. The endless swings of emotions as we learn and grow trying to live in the true reality of the kingdom NOW, not sometime later or somewhere else. Now. Here. Together in Christ. I ask for fogiveness from those I have wronged and aspire to truly forgive others, although the reality is that list is wound up in pettiness and likely filled with the prodical son's older brother mentality, which cannot see the grace of God.  So I ask you to join in this revolution. Take up you cross and follow the Way.  It will not be easy but it will be more than you could every ask for, come join me in this. Love, Dan  

Up in the Door

Another day to celebrate all that we have, most of all the gift of Jesus Christ who brought the character of God to the earth so that we can piece together what we learned from His relationship with Jacob.I am thankful that He created me in his image and that we can have others to share this experience with us. This week I have been able to train my son and have been so impressed with his will to make changes in the face of adversity. Don't let anyone discourage you about teenagers. They are fellow image bearers in the time of life where they desire relationships, including with their parents. The key that I am learning is the delicate relationship building, which takes care, patience, love, direction, correction and forgiveness. It certainly doesn't need condenscending anger and disgust which us parents (me included for sure) are famous for. Take some time to think about the wonderful pleasures that we have. Happy Thanksgiving.

With our tax dollars

Why do we feel so self important that we need to let people know how to spend our tax dollars or do you know that I pay your salary. I beg of you to reconsider your personal ownership of desire for control as those ideals are east of eden and not in line with the beauty of God. Let us be critical with condensending. I ask the Holy Spirit to convict me in this area as I try to live in the tension of action and patience and the discernment of which one is needed moment to moment.

Live in the present moment

Do we  have a real understanding of the Christ's love for us? Why in the light of this do we harbor such hatred in our hearts? Why do we do so much evil in the name of  Jesus?  Please stand together in the name and  Spirit of Christ. I love you Jesus and I love all of  you.  Take refuge in the  Lord.

Can I be righteous and what does that mean?

I want two things in my whole being, my essense. To be in right relationship with the Creator AND to be in right relationship with His image bearers. In short, I want to be righteous. How can I get there? Through the power of Christ in me and the prompting of the Spirit through me. Therefore not by my will but by the will of the Father. How does this manifest itself today. That I am no longer a separate and distinct being. I am part of the church, the body of Christ and I will not run and I will not hide. Rather I will live in the tension of this humanity desparate to know others more. There is no arrival, only a journey to live as part of the kingdom while walking alongside others who are both in and out of the kingdom. Please don't limit the gospel to only a ticket to heaven when you die. Live today in the reality of redemption in Christ with your brothers and sisters. I hope to be righteous today and I hope that you join me.

we continue

I am writing this as the last one in the waiting room at jiffy lube. Due to this I will not use punctuation or spell checking. Thanks for your understanding. I will coment on the joy of true friendship. Friendship that allows each other to be themselves. This is0so very rare but so very worth every moment of it. This relationship does not mean that there is not conflict wrestling sharpening but rathet in all of those things there is such a overarching sense that one is safe in the arms of this. This allows for so much growth. To be able to stretch is so key to growth. To explore ideas in a manner where the other will hold you accountable will hold you up will defend you will not defend ideas that one doesn't agree with I will continue in a moment.

The Wait

I am sitting at Jiffy Lube and am simply amazed at the human race. I am utterly convinced that we are image bearers of the all mighty God. The entire concept of the car and oil change is simply behind my comprhension. I just can't imagine the first use of oil as a(what is the word for fire accelerator). I would assume that a fire was built and it simply hit a oil slick and then Wow a huge flame. After this the rest is the constant and relentless pursuit of using this oil in different ways.

Perspective on Historical Event

I will start this post with two statements to understand my prespective from yesterday's events. 1. I come from a long line of liberals and democrats so that will color to some extent who I am today. 2. I am an evangelical Christian who believes in the Bible, which is manifested in Chirst Jesus.  I am a fan of Barack Obama as I feel that he can bring about things in this country that align with who Christ is. However, as a follower of Christ I do not put my hope in anyone but Jesus. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.  I am called to be part of the physical and spiritual manifestation of Jesus so that when I encounter others that can see the character of Christ in me.  It is good to be encouraged by the historical nature of having a person of color be elected in this nation with such a long and deep history of racism. It is also understandable for those who supported John McCain to feel disappointed at the direction of the country.  So whether you are encourged or discouraged by las...

This Existence

The only Master who truly has full and complete knowledge of me is Christ.  I hope to be transformed by the renewing of the mind on a moment to moment basis.  Who do you get your worth from?  What are the sources of the voices in your head about what is reality, about what is important, about what is essential and about what is crucial? I have to always keep my mind on guard for sources that cannot really fulfill my purposes and will never know my essense.  The voices from the past and present that say you need this, you can be that, you can't do that, whatever they may be.  Remember, who you belong to and what He has done for you.  Take a new look at all those you encounter and know that have unsurpassable worth and love them for it.  (even when we don't want to)

A Musing

Good Morning, Today is the day the Lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it.  I will be quick and to the point about what the Lord has laid on my heart this morning.  The mystery of being a Christ follower is deep and wide.  I marvel at the wonders of His love and the intricacies of this existence that he has created through the will of the Father.  I may never know all that I desire about how this is and what I need to do with this.  I will make tremendous  mistakes in this journey that we are on. I understand  this and always welcome a sharpening and a new revelation on how this is to be lived out. That said, I want to say that we must guard against becoming like the Pharisees and the early Jewish Christians who take stands to know what the 'true' way of being a follower of the eternal God. ( YHWH ) I believe that the Holy Spirit has prompted me to say let us remember that we need to do everything in the will of the Father and that means that we are not the judge...

My hope is in the Lord

The Lord is my salvation. I have no other hope than that I have in the Lord. I beg for His forgiveness for all of my transgressions. I take refuge in you. Redeem this world. Bring justice to this world. Let us see the light of Your glory. I love your precense. Thank you O lord and will praise you to the end of my days.

How do I know how to live under such radical grace

I wish that I had more time to think and write about life and my relationship with Christ and with others. I feel that I have such a love for Christ and know that the unconditional love that He came to share with all of us is so unimaginable that words never do justice to the feelings that are conveyed. On the other side the image of God and therefore Christ, which is others and/or myself gives me alot more difficulty. I have difficulty, at times, giving that same unconditional love to myself. I often feel almost pharasical in my approach to myself. On the other hand, I feel that if I am not that critical than how serious am I really about following Christ. This is the paradox that I certainly have the most difficulty with. (Can someone explain the issue related to ending a sentence a preposition) I know that I am freed by Christ but on the other hand Christ said If you love Me, you will keep My commandmentsIf you love Me, you will keep My commandments. How can I truly do this? I often...

Day 2

Grace and peace. I wanted to take just a short time to put together a few thoughts. This is not a continuation of the previous spot as I do not currently have the energy to do that as this time. I just wanted anyone who is out there that Christ loves you. I wanted to wish all of the mothers, a wonderful day and hope that you can spend with those whom you love and with Christ. Take joy in your children as I hope they take joy in you. I wish that my mother was able to be celebrate with me. I think of her often as it has been two years since she has passed. I love you mom. Well good night to all. My the joy of the Lord keep you.


Today I have started to think about the disconnected feeling that can creep up in our modern American (United States) society. We live in a society that lives in almost crushing duplicity. We have ideals that somehow God has 'blessed' this nation (or any nation, other than the tribe of Israel, however whether that 'blessing' continues today is for another entry) I have spent the last seven years trying to understand what is my purpose on this earth and with the society that I live in. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet this man Yeshua (Joshua, or Jesus, in Greek) That this has happened has much of the flavor of Saul's (later Paul) epihany on the road to Damascus. Prior to this re-birth I had persucuted the Church for as long as I could remember. Now I certainly was not violent or wished ill-will on those who were 'Christian' but I did think they were nieve and foolish. I was very clear in my understanding the there was likely something that may be in th...