
Today I have started to think about the disconnected feeling that can creep up in our modern American (United States) society. We live in a society that lives in almost crushing duplicity. We have ideals that somehow God has 'blessed' this nation (or any nation, other than the tribe of Israel, however whether that 'blessing' continues today is for another entry) I have spent the last seven years trying to understand what is my purpose on this earth and with the society that I live in. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet this man Yeshua (Joshua, or Jesus, in Greek) That this has happened has much of the flavor of Saul's (later Paul) epihany on the road to Damascus. Prior to this re-birth I had persucuted the Church for as long as I could remember. Now I certainly was not violent or wished ill-will on those who were 'Christian' but I did think they were nieve and foolish. I was very clear in my understanding the there was likely something that may be in the form of a God but it was not that important to define in order to live out my existence. I was birthed into a conservative yet modern white suburban christian church. It seemed fresh, new and exciting as I would learn alot about things (feeelings, attitudes, perceptions, concepts) that I was not receiving anywhere else in my life. My previous experiences were of superficial friends whom we interacted through drug use and other addicting behaviors. On the other had I was a successful, by American Standards, business career. I was making a decent amount of money especially for how young I was. In the early parts of my career I was getting first in an engaged relationship, then not engaged but committed, then not committed but together, then nothing. As a man or a disconnected human, I never processed this relationship's end and what it meant to me. I was in the mindset that it is what it is so what can you do about what it is. Nothing. So either I can think about it and have no answers or solace or I can move on. I am a mover oner (I assume in blogging I can make up words, so this is the first of many) A little side note, my wife who I am deeply in love with even when life is hard, is the queen of making or words or creating new tenses for old ones. Therefore in my new position, I went forward to in my accomplishments, continued to occassionaly numb the non existense of real life with some kind of substance, althougth it was much tamer at this point in my life. I came into this relationship with my wife who brought me to this suburban white evangelical church. As I write that I can still transport me back to thinking, I can't believe that I am at this church but even more of a surprise that I like this church. I wasn't deeply involved so it was church on my terms and really in the sense of a Sunday morning event. I am not sure how the protocol for blogging works but I am going to end for the day now without really getting to the ultimate point of the story. This is mostly some background development.

I will blog again soon.


I Love ALL of the people of the World.
Christ gave his life for ALL.
We can have Christ live in US.


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