A Musing

Good Morning,

Today is the day the Lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it.  I will be quick and to the point about what the Lord has laid on my heart this morning.  The mystery of being a Christ follower is deep and wide.  I marvel at the wonders of His love and the intricacies of this existence that he has created through the will of the Father.  I may never know all that I desire about how this is and what I need to do with this.  I will make tremendous mistakes in this journey that we are on. I understand 
this and always welcome a sharpening and a new revelation on how this
is to be lived out. That said, I want to say that we must guard
against becoming like the Pharisees and the early Jewish Christians
who take stands to know what the 'true' way of being a follower of the
eternal God. (YHWH) I believe that the Holy Spirit has prompted me to
say let us remember that we need to do everything in the will of the
Father and that means that we are not the judge and jury of this world,
that is the Father's job. We are to be concerned with our log FIRST!
I ask that we all prayer without ceasing on that we seek forgiveness
for our inequities and not pontificate on how righteous we are in comparison
to others. There is no comparison. This is a free gift to be lived out
on a moment to moment basis that we DIE to our flesh and our world view.

I love you all



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