Up in the Door

Another day to celebrate all that we have, most of all the gift of Jesus Christ who brought the character of God to the earth so that we can piece together what we learned from His relationship with Jacob.I am thankful that He created me in his image and that we can have others to share this experience with us. This week I have been able to train my son and have been so impressed with his will to make changes in the face of adversity. Don't let anyone discourage you about teenagers. They are fellow image bearers in the time of life where they desire relationships, including with their parents. The key that I am learning is the delicate relationship building, which takes care, patience, love, direction, correction and forgiveness. It certainly doesn't need condenscending anger and disgust which us parents (me included for sure) are famous for. Take some time to think about the wonderful pleasures that we have. Happy Thanksgiving.


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