The story of today

Yes, yes. What is there to say but yes. I will be happy and joyful. I am deliberate about both statements as this specific moment. I have joy in my eternal understanding of the amazing and incoprehesible grace bestowed upon me and what that truly means yesterday, today and tomorrow. As I can only live today. The present is where I will be. Ironically I will always be there so why have this foolish idea that at some other point I should have these things accrue to me. If I lived this way, how would I ever know when it was the future when I was supposed to have these things. Further, should I follow the logic that how do I know that I was supposed to be happy and joyful yesterday.  No, we can learn from yesterday so that we can understand where I (we, in the collective sense) have beenn which invariably shapes how we process today. Remembering is essential for growth and for prevention of self agrandizement when taken in the proper context but not shame or guilt. We have bee absolved in the precious actions of our Lord Jesus (Yeshua or translated as Joshua). He reconclied all things between humanity and the triune God. That reconciliation allows us the freedom to celebrate in reality, with the proper reflection on such a state. The absolution that we receive does not have consequences as it should but it does not permenately separate us from God. Those consequenses can come in various ways such as boundaries and protections put up against those who have been wronged. It may not be what we may think it should be but in the end of it all it will be right. How will it will be right? The establishment of the Kingdom on earth. When is that? Now. What do I mean? Live in the reality of the coming Kingdom now. Every piece of Kingdom is a permanent piece. A true reflection of the present reality of Christ. So although I have inextricably failed yesterday, I will remember those failures so that they can reflect the change in my life but I will not be consumed by them.  I will live in the happiness that has been bestoyed on my life.  My circumstances have their trials but in the end it is still gravy (I love gravy).  AND I will have joy for the worth that the Lord of all creation has given me and has shown me in that he gave his life as a ransom for me.  He gave me himself.  He gave me himself.  He gave me himself.  I can commune with God. He is resting in my deepest places or vice-versa.  Where it begins and ends is not important.  So lets go! Lets go! Lets do the work of the kingdome AND rejoice and be glad in it. Be glad (lets enjoy the little things)  Christ, the Saviour has come and given Himself to all of us.  What a God! What a Creation! What a dance! Do you want to dance?  


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