
Showing posts from November 9, 2008

we continue

I am writing this as the last one in the waiting room at jiffy lube. Due to this I will not use punctuation or spell checking. Thanks for your understanding. I will coment on the joy of true friendship. Friendship that allows each other to be themselves. This is0so very rare but so very worth every moment of it. This relationship does not mean that there is not conflict wrestling sharpening but rathet in all of those things there is such a overarching sense that one is safe in the arms of this. This allows for so much growth. To be able to stretch is so key to growth. To explore ideas in a manner where the other will hold you accountable will hold you up will defend you will not defend ideas that one doesn't agree with I will continue in a moment.

The Wait

I am sitting at Jiffy Lube and am simply amazed at the human race. I am utterly convinced that we are image bearers of the all mighty God. The entire concept of the car and oil change is simply behind my comprhension. I just can't imagine the first use of oil as a(what is the word for fire accelerator). I would assume that a fire was built and it simply hit a oil slick and then Wow a huge flame. After this the rest is the constant and relentless pursuit of using this oil in different ways.