
Showing posts from 2009

Wednesday Train Ride

I wanted to put a few thoughts out there today and it has been awhile. The first is that this has been a very difficult year, undoubtedly the hardest of my and my family's life. This is not to say that I am not thankful for all of the blessings that we have but it comes from what is currently and has been very real. We have made many decisions in the past that we have to live out today that have real pressing consequences on a daily, sometimes, moment to moment basis. I often to seek to have relief from this but don't really know how, or more accurately how to have effective relief. I guess if I take it another step further, why do I need 'relief'? Why can't I enjoy the blessings that I do have and the sucesses that have come our family's way? I have had tremendous difficulty with my spritual life including community. I have consistently made decisions of isolation versus 'exposure'. If you have seen the show obsessed, I sometimes feel that isola...

Another day another dolla holla holla

Hey, I wonder what is the phenomenum of blogging. Its is like I want to be speaking with someone but I don't know who. I want someone to read this but I am not sure who. If I knew I would just go ahead and write them and if I wanted it to be to myself than I would put out there for others to read. Why do I have this desire to share my feeelings with those I cannot see and in reality very few people will ever read anything that I write but I feel compelled tio keep doing it. I have always enjoyed writing especially putting my thoughts to paper (or more accurately to screen) This was true before and after my rebirth. The process of thinking, typing, backspacing is very cathartic. On another note, I think that consistency, which is so essential for children and pratically everyone is my weakest point. I find that I do not like it; I do not like it. I am way to often looking to move on to the next thing. Be still; be still I tell myself. Find peace. Peace can never be circums...

One More Thing

Enjoy the day.  Take a minute to say 'thanks' and take some time to laugh. Laughter is wonderful.  I was watching 30 Rock last night and I have to say it was really enjoyable.  Tina Fey's writing and charater development is truly fantastic.  


I am trying to understand how I can really have relationships with others.  I have built a life of constant movement and work and not enough dwelling.  Busyness is my disease.  I have just listened to a sermon about how small we really are compared to this massive piece of existence.  I have developed such a god complex, which seems ridiculous as I even write these words.  I know that prior to my re-birth having such a complex wasn't right but it wasn't all that unusal.  I have always had such a lack of fear that it has bordered on pychotic.  This had always led me to take risks that were a pattern of escalation, as any addictive personality will do.  The next 'fix' must be a little more that the last and the next interim brings a little more angst, malaise or even depression than the last.  Then came along Jesus and the changes were tremedous, not all at once and not altogether but significant, none the less. This is where I lay confused and desiring to be held by God....

It has been a while

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Grace and peace to all.  I have been working a ridiculous amount of the past month and haven't had time to even think, which is never a good thing.  Now on to some purging of thoughts, feelings and emotions.  I am so excited about the idea of moving forward and moving away from the Bush years. (Although I would that even though I disagree with almost every policy decision made during his tenure, I still would wash his feet and love him with compassion and understanding, this is my call and it may be difficult but always essential) On the other hand, I have some serious apprehensions about putting in stock in a man (Obama) who says that he will hunt down the terroists and kill them.  This will be my first tangent of discussion.  I will also state that when I come across as a know it all, holier than thou and simply a punk with a big keyboard, then I sincerely apologize.  (I understand this disclaimer does not absolve me of responsbilit...