It has been a while

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Grace and peace to all.  I have been working a ridiculous amount of the past month and haven't had time to even think, which is never a good thing.  Now on to some purging of thoughts, feelings and emotions.  I am so excited about the idea of moving forward and moving away from the Bush years. (Although I would that even though I disagree with almost every policy decision made during his tenure, I still would wash his feet and love him with compassion and understanding, this is my call and it may be difficult but always essential) On the other hand, I have some serious apprehensions about putting in stock in a man (Obama) who says that he will hunt down the terroists and kill them.  This will be my first tangent of discussion.  I will also state that when I come across as a know it all, holier than thou and simply a punk with a big keyboard, then I sincerely apologize.  (I understand this disclaimer does not absolve me of responsbility, it is simply for some perspective.)

How can a 'Christian' or really anyone desire to 'hunt down' anyone? Do people really believe that this is the way to bring about change? Do politicians simply reguritate the blood thirsty nature of us humans?  Why such an inclination towards violence?  Is it every okay to be duplicitious?  I feel that Christ was very, very clear that hypocrisy is ridiculous and needs to be purged from us. On the other hand, his love was so complete towards us as it was manifested in his disdain for the diciples and the pharacees but yet had the willingness to wash their feet and forgive their actions. So to start it tells me that I should not love Obama any less because he states some things and nor will I love those who cheer these statements any less.  This can be very hard.  I truly understand the feeling of vengence in the early instance of being wronged as a tangent to the hard work of greiving, weeping, reconciling and moving on for the purposes that we are here, now.  I continue to have this overpowing inclination to be angry and then have the guilt subsequent to that because my anger generally  does turn into sin as it offends others and it offends God.  It certainly has subsided from the flame it was years ago but there definetly some issues down inside me that have been hanging on these things.  It really feels like a form of idolatry.  I idolalize my own 'righteousness', the fact that I clearly know something that others simply do not.  Isn't that such a hard line to walk down?  How do I know when I am being helpful in my disdain and when I am being harmful.  Do I simply alienate those around me with my constant 'judging' of others behaviour?  Others have continued to tell me that I simply need to follow the example of Christ in that he was 'relevant' with being compramising.  But I don't really know how to do that.  I have called upon the Holy Spirit to bring His ministry of understanding.  At times, I am so sure of how it is to work, while others I don't know if this is my old self flying back into the picture.  I just know that I love people and I love this world and I hurt for everyone. I want to use this grief to really do something for others.  Well, that is all the time that I have.  I have so much time and so little time (wait, strike that, reverse it)  I pray that anyone who reads this will take a moment today and ask someone 'Hey, how are you doing?' and actually care about what they have to say and not be concerned about how it can help you.  God Bless!!!


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