Wednesday Train Ride

I wanted to put a few thoughts out there today and it has been awhile. The first is that this has been a very difficult year, undoubtedly the hardest of my and my family's life. This is not to say that I am not thankful for all of the blessings that we have but it comes from what is currently and has been very real. We have made many decisions in the past that we have to live out today that have real pressing consequences on a daily, sometimes, moment to moment basis. I often to seek to have relief from this but don't really know how, or more accurately how to have effective relief. I guess if I take it another step further, why do I need 'relief'? Why can't I enjoy the blessings that I do have and the sucesses that have come our family's way? I have had tremendous difficulty with my spritual life including community. I have consistently made decisions of isolation versus 'exposure'. If you have seen the show obsessed, I sometimes feel that isolation, through books, policy and just plain stuff are my rituals to avoid dealing with the anxiety of life. Well, that's all the time. To go off subject a bit, please be respectful to others today. I commend President Obama for his dignity through all the shouting and yelling. We can disagree on policy with respect. Lastly, patience... I have to tell myself all the time... things take time and love, patience and kindness makes all the difference.


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