
“Ground zero is hallowed ground to Americans,” Elliott Maynard, a Republican trying to unseat Representative Nick J. Rahall II, a Democrat, in West Virginia’s Third District, said in a typical statement. “Do you think the Muslims would allow a Jewish temple or Christian church to be built in Mecca?”

I am utterly confused by this statement.  I will try to be as delicate as I can.  First, Ground zero is a human tragedy, in which many Muslims, Jews, Christians and non-religious people died.  It is not a 'holy' site or either the Christian or the Jewish faith.  We can discuss whether all sites are holy from a Christian perspective but that would be for a different post.  The question that Mr. Maynard asks makes the clear assumption that New York, Ground Zero and possibly all of America are solely Christian or Jewish.  This is just plain wrong.  It is not what Christ wants us to do. It is not what God wants us to do. It saddens me and breaks my heart. 


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