
Showing posts from November 21, 2010

News Release: Personal Income and Outlays, October 2010

News Release: Personal Income and Outlays, October 2010 This is some good news. More would be better but we will take what we can get.

Calculated Risk: New Home Sales decline in October

Calculated Risk: New Home Sales decline in October Another month and another record for lowest new home sales. I guess there is a lot to purge.

Another Response to Rep. Ryan

Dr. Krugman weighs in here . It appears that those who are with Rep. Ryan all believe in complete  Ricardian Equivalence .  To follow must be a call for the abolishment of the Fed and a return to the gold standard. Why? What is the utilitarian benetit of gold-backed currency?

Econbrowser: Representative Ryan Requests

Econbrowser: Representative Ryan Requests

Paul Ryan calls the Fed's Actions 'Insidious'

Paul Ryan continues down the path of ridiculous hyperbole.  He states -       "There is nothing more insidious that a government can do to its people than to debase its currency," This is a great example of someone who has no context or has no care in the way that he speaks. How can this be true? Nothing worse than a de-valued currency. You can certainly argue the positive and negative effects of de-valuing currency (and yes there are time when it is appropriate) and one would do much better focusing on that rather than making claims that cannot be true. So is this more insidious than the Tuskegee syphilis experiment .  Click here  for the full story on what Rep. Ryan said about the Federal Reserves' QE2 policies.

141 Pound Final - Mike Thorn UofM vs. Nick Dardanes UofM

Wrestling Videos on Flowrestling Nick does well against the #5 ranked Mike Thorn but he is not quite in his league yet.

165 Dan Yates (Michigan) vs Bobby Barnhisel (Navy) MOV006_01

Bobby who wrestled for me with Little Huskies and Falcons is starting this year with Navy at 165 and is 4-2. He looked okay here except for the bear hug. If anyone has more matches let me know. 165 Dan Yates (Michigan) vs Bobby Barnhisel (Navy) MOV006_01