
I am wrestling with how we (humans) determine which activities to ‘invest’ in. This choice includes the decision not to invest in other activities. 

The language used here is intentionally fluid but due to my background will primarily come from economics and to lesser extent sports/wrestling/coaching. I hope to create enough space to be accessible to all regardless of background. 

Invest(ment) - this is meant to be broader than, while inclusive of, business/monetary investment. It is where we spend our resources. 

Resources - all items of utility, including but not limited to time, energy, cash, physical capital and influence. As an individual, I consider time the most valuable as the amount is an uncontrollable variable with a finite range. As an enduring human society, time’s value is diminished due to its virtual infinite range. This is not to say that the earth or human society is infinite, rather to acknowledge the virtual certainty that no one alive today will experience its end. 

Wrestling - to engage with and in opposition to. A process without certain outcomes including a high degree of risk and vulnerability. 

A team sport in which one individually competes in a match against another without balls or equipment. The outcome of each match contributes to the overall team competition. Therefore, each wrestler is responsible for their outcome while sharing responsibility for the team’s outcome. One’s actions often meet this dual responsibility without conflict. (what’s good for the wrestler is good for the team) However, on there are situations of a significant frequency, that require choices on actions that would put the team before oneself and vice versa. 

[I am not pollyanna of wrestling. There are very brutal and quasi-dehumanizing aspects. I do not glorify those aspects rather acknowledge them, giving space to discuss their impacts on the wrestlers as well as the community and the reasons that humans brutalize and dehumanize one another]
