
Showing posts from February 11, 2018

Why this economist thinks public education is mostly pointless - Vox

Why this economist thinks public education is mostly pointless - Vox : I really like the back and forth on this. I appreciate the discussion and would generally side with Illing but I have always thought that we 'force' people through college and to some extent high school as if they are for everyone being vocational in nature. I don't know exactly how I developed my ability to think but it was a mix of my family experiences with my educational experiences.

A response to ‘What Can’t Be Debated on Campus’

Unfortunately you need a subscription to read in full - This post will respond briefly the condensed Op-Ed 1. What evidence supports that these items cannot be debated? It appears that they are being debated.  2. As noted one may have the right to point out you are a racist   but that doesn’t make it right to do so. How did you come to that conclusion? I have come to that it is right to point out truth as I perceive and live it and we have the opportunity to debate and decide whether your language is a ‘dog whistle’.  3. Why do you elevate your social norms to be the  social norms? This relates, in part, to #1, under my view, you have suffered no consequences due to your political incorrectness, so is this second rebuttal simply because your feelings were hurt that your colleagues won’t have a spot of tea with you?  From my viewpoint, you are in control and have...

One of the best discussions around the Confederacy

I found the best discussion point around the ‘slippery slope’ argument, which has long bothered me. Where does it stop? Somewhere! Everything stops somewhere. It’s our responsibility to wrestle with where that is?