
Showing posts from June 17, 2018


I wonder how we are so dynamic while having an inexhaustible pull towards stability regardless if the status quo is dreadful and we feel a desire for growth and change? We possess the compassion to ‘save’ one expending resources without restraint yet we have nothing left for the systemic problems. I love our unpredictability and cringe at our callous disregard. I’ll end with the 2019 house budget proposal causes me to cringe. The entire budget is built on the lie that we need to make tough choices to be ‘fiscal responsible’. This is a bigger lie than the Democrats are responsible for family separations at the border. It is completely unintelligible to first reduce income by trillions of dollars, followed by increases in spending in excess of the budget levels set by sequestration (which entire purpose was not continue to grow expenditures in excess of income) then propose a budget that calls for enormous  cuts to Social Security and Medicare, increases to military spending to lev...