
Showing posts from December 30, 2018

#wtm2019 Day 4

5 miles @ 75% Max Heart Rate with 5-beat breathing (6 x 20 sec sprints with 60 sec recoveries)

#wtm2019 Day 3

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 10 x 2 Landmine Press: 10 (per arm) x 2 Tempo Pull-ups: 3 x 5 (C313) Barbell Rows: 10 x 3 Barbell Curls: 12 x 2 Tricep Pushdowns: 50lbs x 12 x 2 Warm up: 1 mile easy jog Hill Pyramid: - 6 x [20sec hill sprint + 30sec rest] - 3 x [60sec hill sprint + 90sec rest] - 2 x [90sec hill sprint + 2min rest] - 3 x [60sec hill sprint + 60sec rest] - 6 x [20sec hill sprint + 30sec rest] Cool Down: 1 mile easy jog

#wtm2019 Day 2

Back Squats: 6 x 2 Jump Squats: 4 x 2 Romanian Deadlifts:  8 x 3 Front Rack Lunges: 8 (per leg) x 2 Back Extensions: 10 x 3 Farmer's Carry: 75 feet x 2  5 miles @ 75% Max Heart Rate with 5-beat breathing ( 6 x 20 sec sprints with 60 sec recoveries)

#wtm2019 Day 1

Day 1 - yoga and meditation 

#wtm2019 Day (-1)

7.25 miles walking  3.75 miles running (9 min/mile) 500 ft elevation  10 pull-ups  160 pushups