
Showing posts from 2019

Dave and Busters

A day of kinship with my loves, K and J. What a blessing! 

Let it rain ☔️


The Fabulous Puppa



We depart to Star Wars. A month of movement and moments. Family rolls on.

Life rolls

Days come and days go. 


To be here, to be now. Tell the truth. Love everyone. Tell the truth. Love everyone. ÐĘŔ

I am wallowing

Yes - I am wallowing... I am not handling... I am falling apart... I am not keeping it together... I am longing for the Before... I am living in the After...

Time moves faster than

Two years have been drawn Sarah 


It is, it is. 


This may be a topic for .love.  AND  It is for here. It’s all encompassing. Love is not simple, love is not easy, love changes, love grows, love does NOT die. I may want to have answers and clear direction but such a desire does not make it a reality. Choices are made. The choice is made by a fluid mixture of genes, experience and free will. I haven’t been able to discern how many parts of each, let alone what is the reaction upon integration with the other parts. This means what is ‘right’ is fluid and what is ‘right’ is never easy.  That’s all I got.  For my all my life, I wanted rules to follow, I would love more than anyone else because I would follow what was ‘right’.  Alas, we humans want behaviors, desires, and intentions.  AND  One can never achieve desires and intentions by following rules. LAST  Don’t fool yourself - behaviors are 82.1%, leaving 17.9% for desires and intentions.  Therefore, most of us will take behaviors day and nig...


I am who - I don’t want to be your backup plan. 

Returning to Bell Hooks

Love reminds me of the preciouness of all. I long for grace and reconciliation with all and will seek it with all who desire to dance with me. I desire to live seeking justice through love knowing that I have little to no control over myself, outcomes and others.  I invite all to join. Grace and love



Eyes on Medium



HF Administration Answers Questions



Each moment I fantasize about loving. 

#wtm2019 Day 4

5 miles @ 75% Max Heart Rate with 5-beat breathing (6 x 20 sec sprints with 60 sec recoveries)

#wtm2019 Day 3

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 10 x 2 Landmine Press: 10 (per arm) x 2 Tempo Pull-ups: 3 x 5 (C313) Barbell Rows: 10 x 3 Barbell Curls: 12 x 2 Tricep Pushdowns: 50lbs x 12 x 2 Warm up: 1 mile easy jog Hill Pyramid: - 6 x [20sec hill sprint + 30sec rest] - 3 x [60sec hill sprint + 90sec rest] - 2 x [90sec hill sprint + 2min rest] - 3 x [60sec hill sprint + 60sec rest] - 6 x [20sec hill sprint + 30sec rest] Cool Down: 1 mile easy jog

#wtm2019 Day 2

Back Squats: 6 x 2 Jump Squats: 4 x 2 Romanian Deadlifts:  8 x 3 Front Rack Lunges: 8 (per leg) x 2 Back Extensions: 10 x 3 Farmer's Carry: 75 feet x 2  5 miles @ 75% Max Heart Rate with 5-beat breathing ( 6 x 20 sec sprints with 60 sec recoveries)